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At the End of the Rainbow (1971)

Movies Detail of At the End of the Rainbow (1971)

✓ Title : At the End of the Rainbow
✓ Original Title : Anda muchacho, spara!
✓ Release Date : August 16th, 1971
✓ Genre : Western
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Aldo Florio
✓ Writers : Bruno Di Geronimo, Bruno Di Geronimo, Eduardo Manzanos, Eduardo Manzanos, Aldo Florio, Aldo Florio
✓ Companies : Italian International Film, Copercines, Transeuropa Film, Roberto Cinematografica
✓ Countries : Italy, Spain
✓ Cast : José Nieto, Luciano Pigozzi, Ben Carra, Eduardo Fajardo, José Calvo, Daniel Martín, Fabio Testi, Romano Puppo, Charo López, Goffredo Unger

Synopsis of At the End of the Rainbow (1971)

Roy runs away from the labor camp of Santa Lucia with Emiliano, a New Mexico rancher, both imprisoned unjustly for three powerful American bankers, to seize the gold mine that had Emiliano. During flight, the landowner dies and in his last moments asked Roy to recover the mine and save Jessica, daughter of his former foreman.

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Well, At the End of the Rainbow (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The At the End of the Rainbow (1971) itselft directed by Aldo Florio and Starring by José Nieto, Luciano Pigozzi, Ben Carra, Eduardo Fajardo, José Calvo, Daniel Martín, Fabio Testi, Romano Puppo, Charo López, Goffredo Unger which made At the End of the Rainbow (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

At the End of the Rainbow (1971)

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