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Shattered Memories (2020)

Movies Detail of Shattered Memories (2020)

✓ Title : Shattered Memories
✓ Original Title : Her Deadly Reflections
✓ Release Date : January 2nd, 2020
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : John Lyde
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Sashleigha Brady, Cameron Harford, Joy Haynes, Paul D. Hunt, Gabe Casdorph, Danny James, Helena Mattsson, Weixin Le, Morgan Gunter, Tamari Dunbar

Synopsis of Shattered Memories (2020)

Kelly's life is upended when she wakes up in the hospital with fragments of her memory after a car crash. The only thing she is certain is that the people closest to her, are the very ones she's not sure she can trust: her business partner, her closest friend, and her husband, Dan. Can she find the answers she needs before she is harmed again?

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Well, Shattered Memories (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Shattered Memories (2020) itselft directed by John Lyde and Starring by Sashleigha Brady, Cameron Harford, Joy Haynes, Paul D. Hunt, Gabe Casdorph, Danny James, Helena Mattsson, Weixin Le, Morgan Gunter, Tamari Dunbar which made Shattered Memories (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Shattered Memories (2020)

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