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The Man from Majorca (1984)

Movies Detail of The Man from Majorca (1984)

✓ Title : The Man from Majorca
✓ Original Title : Mannen från Mallorca
✓ Release Date : October 12th, 1984
✓ Genres : Thriller, Crime, Action
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Bo Widerberg
✓ Writers : Bo Widerberg, Leif G.W. Persson
✓ Company : Drakfilm
✓ Countries : Denmark, Sweden
✓ Cast : Ernst Günther, Tomas von Brömssen, Ingvar Hirdwall, Sven Wollter, Rico Rönnbäck, Thomas Hellberg, Niels Jensen, Hans Villius, Håkan Serner, Tommy Johnson

Synopsis of The Man from Majorca (1984)

In Stockholm, on St. Lucy's feast day, a bandit daringly robs a crowded post office. Within a fortnight, two witnesses are dead. Two cops from vice squad, Johansson and Jarnebring, who were the first to the crime scene, pursue all leads and identify a suspect, an arrogant member of the elite secret police, a man assigned to guard the country's Minister of Justice. Just as the beat cops think they've tightened the noose around the suspect, loose ends appear, witnesses lose their certainty, alibis crop up, and even the cops doubt what they've seen. Who's protecting the suspect and why?

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Well, The Man from Majorca (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Man from Majorca (1984) itselft directed by Bo Widerberg and Starring by Ernst Günther, Tomas von Brömssen, Ingvar Hirdwall, Sven Wollter, Rico Rönnbäck, Thomas Hellberg, Niels Jensen, Hans Villius, Håkan Serner, Tommy Johnson which made The Man from Majorca (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Man from Majorca (1984)

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