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Inventing the Abbotts (1997)

Movies Detail of Inventing the Abbotts (1997)

✓ Title : Inventing the Abbotts
✓ Release Date : April 4th, 1997
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Directors : Pat O'Connor, Karen Golden
✓ Writer : Ken Hixon
✓ Company : Fox 2000 Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Joanna Going, Michael Sutton, Joaquin Phoenix, Garrett M. Brown, Billy Crudup, Will Patton, Liv Tyler, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Baker, Barbara Williams

Synopsis of Inventing the Abbotts (1997)

In the 1950s, brothers Jacey and Doug Holt, who come from the poorer side of their sleepy Midwestern town, vie for the affections of the wealthy, lovely Abbott sisters. Lady-killer Jacey alternates between Eleanor and Alice, wanting simply to break the hearts of rich young women. But sensitive Doug has a real romance with Pamela, which Jacey and the Abbott patriarch, Lloyd, both frown upon.

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Well, Inventing the Abbotts (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Inventing the Abbotts (1997) itselft directed by Pat O'Connor, Karen Golden and Starring by Joanna Going, Michael Sutton, Joaquin Phoenix, Garrett M. Brown, Billy Crudup, Will Patton, Liv Tyler, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Baker, Barbara Williams which made Inventing the Abbotts (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Inventing the Abbotts (1997)

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