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Within (2005)

Movies Detail of Within (2005)

✓ Title : Within
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2005
✓ Genres : Mystery, Horror
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : John A. Curtis
✓ Writers : John A. Curtis, Merlin Ward, Jennifer Daley, Kim Small, Rod Akizuki
✓ Companies : Moviemax, H30 Filmed Entertainment, Great British Films, North American Pictures
✓ Countries : Canada, Czech Republic, Italy, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Milan Furst, Derek Hamilton, Eva Sutsková, Michael Knazko, John Tench, Marie Veckova, Amy Perfect, Fiona Glascott, Boyan Vukelic, Vladimira Pitelova

Synopsis of Within (2005)

Brad, Christina, T.K. and Kelly are on a post-graduation trip to Europe. Unfortunately, what starts out as a dream quickly spirals into a nightmare. Upon entering a 14th century castle, the friends find themselves trapped in a horrifying alternate realm where violent hallucinations overtake them. A stranger emerges, shocking them with the reality of their terrifying fate; one must stay behind - alone forever within the torturous stone walls, in order for the rest of the group to escape. As time runs out, hope and reason disappear, anarchy takes over and extreme violence erupts. Will it be male strength or female guile that will ultimately determine who will bear the terrible fate?

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Well, Within (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Within (2005) itselft directed by John A. Curtis and Starring by Milan Furst, Derek Hamilton, Eva Sutsková, Michael Knazko, John Tench, Marie Veckova, Amy Perfect, Fiona Glascott, Boyan Vukelic, Vladimira Pitelova which made Within (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Within (2005)

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