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Years After (2012)

Movies Detail of Years After (2012)

✓ Title : Years After
✓ Original Title : Años después
✓ Release Date : December 7th, 2012
✓ Genres : War, Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Laura Gárdos Velo
✓ Companies : Senderos Imagen, IMACINE, Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad
✓ Countries : Mexico, Spain
✓ Cast : Celso Bugallo, Rosa Álvarez, Angélica María, Emilio Guerrero, Moisés Arizmendi, María Bouzas, Ledicia Sola

Synopsis of Years After (2012)

At 35, Andrés leads a quiet life; he lives in Mexico City and has a girlfriend he plans to marry. His only relative is his mother Clara, who came to Mexico fleeing from the Spanish dictatorship years ago. One day, by chance, Andrés finds out he has a grandfather who lives in a village in Galicia. This news causes such an emotional response in him that he decides to leave everything and travel to Spain to reconstruct his own past and meet Justino, his grandfather.

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Well, Years After (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Years After (2012) itselft directed by Laura Gárdos Velo and Starring by Celso Bugallo, Rosa Álvarez, Angélica María, Emilio Guerrero, Moisés Arizmendi, María Bouzas, Ledicia Sola which made Years After (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Years After (2012)

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