Movies Detail of Replicant (2001)
✓ Title : Replicant
✓ Release Date : May 11th, 2001
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Ringo Lam, Jon-Michael Preece
✓ Writers : Les Weldon, Lawrence Riggins
✓ Companies : Artisan Entertainment, 777 Films Corporation, Millennium Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Peter Flemming, Paul McGillion, Margaret Ryan, Ian Robison, Brandon James Olson, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michael Rooker, Pam Hyatt, Catherine Dent, James Hutson
✓ Release Date : May 11th, 2001
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Ringo Lam, Jon-Michael Preece
✓ Writers : Les Weldon, Lawrence Riggins
✓ Companies : Artisan Entertainment, 777 Films Corporation, Millennium Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Peter Flemming, Paul McGillion, Margaret Ryan, Ian Robison, Brandon James Olson, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michael Rooker, Pam Hyatt, Catherine Dent, James Hutson
Synopsis of Replicant (2001)
Scientists create a genetic clone of a serial killer in order to help catch the killer, teaming up with two cops.
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Well, Replicant (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Replicant (2001) itselft directed by Ringo Lam, Jon-Michael Preece and Starring by Peter Flemming, Paul McGillion, Margaret Ryan, Ian Robison, Brandon James Olson, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michael Rooker, Pam Hyatt, Catherine Dent, James Hutson which made Replicant (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Replicant Full Youtube - A subgenre of fantasy, set in the present day. These are used to describe stories set in the putative real world (often referred to as consensus reality) in contemporary times, in which magic and magical creatures exist, either living in the interstices of our world or leaking over from alternate worlds.
◈ Replicant Trailer Explanation - This term has occasionally referred to a subgenre of speculative fiction that is similar to steampunk, but deviates in its technology. As with steampunk, it portrays advanced technology based on pre-modern designs, but rather than the steam power of the Industrial Age, the technology used is based on springs, clockwork and similar. Clockpunk is based very intensively on the works of Leonardo da Vinci and as such, it is typically set during the Renaissance. It is regarded as being a type of steampunk.
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◈ Filmyzilla Hollywood Movies Replicant - A more extreme variant of historical fiction which posits a "what if" scenario in which some historical event occurs differently (or not at all), thus altering the course of history; for instance, "What if Nazi Germany had won World War II?" is an alternate history concept that has had treatment in fiction. Alternate History is sometimes (though not universally) referred to as a subgenre of science fiction or speculative fiction, and like historical fiction, may include more fantastical elements (for instance, the Temeraire series uses the fantasy element of dragons to create an Alternate History plot set during the Napoleonic Era).
◈ Replicant Pelicula Filtrada Online - A mystery story that focuses on homicides. Usually, the detective must figure out who killed one or several victims. They may or may not find themselves or loved ones in danger because of this investigation. The genre often includes elements of the suspense story genre, or of the action and adventure genres.
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