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Satan's Baby Doll (1982)

Movies Detail of Satan's Baby Doll (1982)

✓ Title : Satan's Baby Doll
✓ Original Title : La bimba di Satana
✓ Release Date : June 29th, 1982
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 75 minutes
✓ Directors : Mario Bianchi, Paola Villa, Spartaco Antonucci
✓ Writers : Piero Regnoli, Gabriele Crisanti, Gabriele Crisanti
✓ Companies : Filmarte, Rewind Film
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Joe Davers, Mariangela Giordano, Giancarlo Del Duca, Marina Hedman, Aldo Sambrell, Alfonso Gaita, Jaqueline Dupré

Synopsis of Satan's Baby Doll (1982)

In the crypt of the remote castle of the Aguilars lies the recently-deceased body of Maria. Her husband Antonio is a jealous bully, his mute brother Ignazio is in a wheelchair peeping on his caretaker Sol, a novice. Also present are Miria, the couple's virginal daughter, and Isidro, a factotum who fears Satan's power. A frequent visitor is Juan Suarez, a doctor who wants Miria in a sanatorium for a month. She doesn't want to go. Isidro tries to exorcize the castle's evil spirits. Bodies pile up. Is Miria's mother truly dead, and who is Satan's tool?

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Well, Satan's Baby Doll (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Satan's Baby Doll (1982) itselft directed by Mario Bianchi, Paola Villa, Spartaco Antonucci and Starring by Joe Davers, Mariangela Giordano, Giancarlo Del Duca, Marina Hedman, Aldo Sambrell, Alfonso Gaita, Jaqueline Dupré which made Satan's Baby Doll (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Satan's Baby Doll (1982)

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