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Da grande (1987)

Movies Detail of Da grande (1987)

✓ Title : Da grande
✓ Release Date : December 23rd, 1987
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Comedy
✓ Director : Franco Amurri
✓ Writers : Franco Amurri, Stefano Sudriè
✓ Companies : Reteitalia, Gruppo Bema
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Alessandro Partexano, Renato Pozzetto, Alessandro Haber, Fiammetta Baralla, Joska Versari, Costantino Meloni, Giampiero Bianchi, Ottavia Piccolo, Giulia Boschi, Gaia Piras

Synopsis of Da grande (1987)

Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.

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Well, Da grande (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Da grande (1987) itselft directed by Franco Amurri and Starring by Alessandro Partexano, Renato Pozzetto, Alessandro Haber, Fiammetta Baralla, Joska Versari, Costantino Meloni, Giampiero Bianchi, Ottavia Piccolo, Giulia Boschi, Gaia Piras which made Da grande (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Da grande (1987)

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