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Jungle Heat (1985)

Movies Detail of Jungle Heat (1985)

✓ Title : Jungle Heat
✓ Release Date : May 25th, 1985
✓ Genres : Action, War
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Jobic Wong
✓ Writer : Jobic Wong
✓ Countries : Hong Kong, United States of America
✓ Cast : Sam J. Jones, Robert M. Delahunt, Lilia Nguyen, Christopher Doyle, Craig Scott Galper, Chin Han, Dorian Tan Tao-Liang, Lenny Bryce

Synopsis of Jungle Heat (1985)

Towards the end of the Vietnam war, the US is running low on drivers for their supplies so they bring in a new lot of recruits and have to train them to survive in the dangers of wartorn Vietnam. The recruits are trained briefly by an American officer but are quickly handed off to their South Vietnamese officers and are made to go out into the dangers of Vietnam without getting the protection they need by the Americans who are more concerned with withdrawing their own troops instead of protecting the South Vietnamese

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Well, Jungle Heat (1985) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Jungle Heat (1985) itselft directed by Jobic Wong and Starring by Sam J. Jones, Robert M. Delahunt, Lilia Nguyen, Christopher Doyle, Craig Scott Galper, Chin Han, Dorian Tan Tao-Liang, Lenny Bryce which made Jungle Heat (1985) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Jungle Heat (1985)

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