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Father of Four: At The Top (2017)

Movies Detail of Father of Four: At The Top (2017)

✓ Title : Father of Four: At The Top
✓ Original Title : Far Til Fire På Toppen
✓ Release Date : February 9th, 2017
✓ Genres : Family, Action, Comedy
✓ Director : Martin Miehe-Renard
✓ Company : ASA Film Production
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Mingus Hellemann Hassing, Martin Brygmann, Laura Lavigne Bie-Olsen, Yrsa Bjarup Riis, Josefine Lindegaard, Coco Hjardemaal, Elton Rokahaim Møller, Lukas Toya, Thomas Bo Larsen, Anne Sofie Espersen

Synopsis of Father of Four: At The Top (2017)

Everyone is afraid of something. Also Father. He suffers from a terrible case of fear of heights. And for him to not decline a new job opportunity, located on the 27th floor, which could save the family from moving across the country, the family decides to travel to Norway to cure his phobia. But it will soon be clear that Father's phobia isn't the only obstacle standing in their way.

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Well, Father of Four: At The Top (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Father of Four: At The Top (2017) itselft directed by Martin Miehe-Renard and Starring by Mingus Hellemann Hassing, Martin Brygmann, Laura Lavigne Bie-Olsen, Yrsa Bjarup Riis, Josefine Lindegaard, Coco Hjardemaal, Elton Rokahaim Møller, Lukas Toya, Thomas Bo Larsen, Anne Sofie Espersen which made Father of Four: At The Top (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Father of Four: At The Top (2017)

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