Movies Detail of DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη (2011)
✓ Title : DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη
✓ Release Date : September 1st, 2011
✓ Genres : Drama, Fantasy, Romance
✓ Director : Stathis Athanasiou
✓ Companies : Bakis, Yvonne Roman Films, Arktos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Marina Kalogirou, Yorgos Karamihos, Inés Castaño, David Fernández Fabu, Stavros Yagoulis
✓ Release Date : September 1st, 2011
✓ Genres : Drama, Fantasy, Romance
✓ Director : Stathis Athanasiou
✓ Companies : Bakis, Yvonne Roman Films, Arktos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Marina Kalogirou, Yorgos Karamihos, Inés Castaño, David Fernández Fabu, Stavros Yagoulis
Synopsis of DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη (2011)
Athens & Barcelona, two cities, two love stories, two languages, two realities, two couples that will never meet, two years anniversary... or is it all one?
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Well, DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη (2011) itselft directed by Stathis Athanasiou and Starring by Marina Kalogirou, Yorgos Karamihos, Inés Castaño, David Fernández Fabu, Stavros Yagoulis which made DOS μια ιστορία αγάπης, απ' την ανάποδη (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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