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Big Man on Campus (1989)

Movies Detail of Big Man on Campus (1989)

✓ Title : Big Man on Campus
✓ Release Date : December 12th, 1989
✓ Genres : Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Jeremy Kagan
✓ Writer : Allan Katz
✓ Company : Regency Enterprises
✓ Cast : Elaine Kagan, Cindy Williams, Gerrit Graham, Tom Skerritt, Armin Shimerman, Robin Frates, Jessica Harper, Allan Katz, Corey Parker, Melora Hardin

Synopsis of Big Man on Campus (1989)

In this version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", a hunchback is found living in the bell tower of UCLA. He is put on trial and made to go through tests. One of the research doctors falls for him, and he falls for her in the end

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Well, Big Man on Campus (1989) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Big Man on Campus (1989) itselft directed by Jeremy Kagan and Starring by Elaine Kagan, Cindy Williams, Gerrit Graham, Tom Skerritt, Armin Shimerman, Robin Frates, Jessica Harper, Allan Katz, Corey Parker, Melora Hardin which made Big Man on Campus (1989) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Big Man on Campus (1989)

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