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Room for Rent (2019)

Movies Detail of Room for Rent (2019)

✓ Title : Room for Rent
✓ Release Date : May 3rd, 2019
✓ Genres : Thriller, Horror
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Tommy Stovall
✓ Writer : Stuart Flack
✓ Company : Pasidg Productions Inc.
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Casey Nicholas Price, Ryan Ochoa, Lin Shaye, Oliver Rayon, Justin Jason Roberts, Linda Cushma, Jose Rosete, Tonya June Moore, Valeska Miller, Michael Harrelson

Synopsis of Room for Rent (2019)

Lonely widow Joyce rents out a room in her house and becomes dangerously obsessed with one of her guests.

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Well, Room for Rent (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Room for Rent (2019) itselft directed by Tommy Stovall and Starring by Casey Nicholas Price, Ryan Ochoa, Lin Shaye, Oliver Rayon, Justin Jason Roberts, Linda Cushma, Jose Rosete, Tonya June Moore, Valeska Miller, Michael Harrelson which made Room for Rent (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Room for Rent (2019)

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