Movies Detail of Los muertos (2004)
✓ Title : Los muertos
✓ Release Date : April 16th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Director : Lisandro Alonso
✓ Writer : Lisandro Alonso
✓ Companies : Slot Machine, 4L, Fortuna Films Co.
✓ Countries : Argentina, France, Netherlands, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Yolanda Galarza, Víctor Varela, Hilda Chamorro, Francisco Dornez, Argentino Vargas
✓ Release Date : April 16th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Director : Lisandro Alonso
✓ Writer : Lisandro Alonso
✓ Companies : Slot Machine, 4L, Fortuna Films Co.
✓ Countries : Argentina, France, Netherlands, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Yolanda Galarza, Víctor Varela, Hilda Chamorro, Francisco Dornez, Argentino Vargas
Synopsis of Los muertos (2004)
Vargas, a 54 year old man, gets out of jail in the province of Corrientes, Argentina. Once released, he wants to find his now adult daughter, who lives in a swampy and remote area. To get there, he must cross great distances in a small boat on the rivers, scoring deep into the jungle. Vargas is a quiet and self-contained man. He possesses the restraint of those living close to nature. A deep mystery surrounds him, the people he encounters and the places he goes through, all that taking in the unalterable world he finds almost unchanged after his long years of incarceration.
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Well, Los muertos (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Los muertos (2004) itselft directed by Lisandro Alonso and Starring by Yolanda Galarza, Víctor Varela, Hilda Chamorro, Francisco Dornez, Argentino Vargas which made Los muertos (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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