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Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976)

Movies Detail of Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976)

✓ Title : Las largas vacaciones del 36
✓ Release Date : September 14th, 1976
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Directors : Jaime Camino, Martín Sacristán, Lucía Martín, Honorio Rancaño
✓ Writers : Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Jaime Camino
✓ Company : José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Karin Pascual, Ángela Molina, José Vivó, Francisco Rabal, José Sacristán, Analía Gadé, Charo Soriano, Vicente Parra, Concha Velasco, Ismael Merlo

Synopsis of Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976)

Set near Barcelona at the time of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, this epic drama explores the adventures suffered by an uncommitted vacationing family caught unawares by the conflict. In focusing on the war's effects on the family, this film was able to offer much more devastating commentary than would normally have been permitted in the late Franco era.

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Well, Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976) itselft directed by Jaime Camino, Martín Sacristán, Lucía Martín, Honorio Rancaño and Starring by Karin Pascual, Ángela Molina, José Vivó, Francisco Rabal, José Sacristán, Analía Gadé, Charo Soriano, Vicente Parra, Concha Velasco, Ismael Merlo which made Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Las largas vacaciones del 36 (1976)

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