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Demon Keeper (1994)

Movies Detail of Demon Keeper (1994)

✓ Title : Demon Keeper
✓ Release Date : May 6th, 1994
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 71 minutes
✓ Director : Joe Tornatore
✓ Writer : Mikel Angel
✓ Cast : Jennifer Steyn, André Jacobs, Adrienne Pearce, David Sherwood, Elsa Martin, Mike Lane, Edward Albert, Dirk Benedict, Claire Marshall, Diane Nuttall

Synopsis of Demon Keeper (1994)

For Remy Grilland the world of the occult is nothing more than a way to swindle rich old ladies out of their money. A parlor trick. But when an expert of the supernatural comes to his seance, Remy feels obliged to summon a real spirit. In his ignorance, he brings forth a most vicious and evil demon. one known to spread misery by infiltrating the mind, playing on weakness, and leading its prey to murder. Now, locked in the house for the night, each person must find a way to evade the Demon's powers. Only the light of day will bring mercy.

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Well, Demon Keeper (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Demon Keeper (1994) itselft directed by Joe Tornatore and Starring by Jennifer Steyn, André Jacobs, Adrienne Pearce, David Sherwood, Elsa Martin, Mike Lane, Edward Albert, Dirk Benedict, Claire Marshall, Diane Nuttall which made Demon Keeper (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Demon Keeper (1994)

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