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St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018)

Movies Detail of St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018)

✓ Title : St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky
✓ Original Title : Sinterklaas & de vlucht door de lucht
✓ Release Date : November 21st, 2018
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Runtime : 67 minutes
✓ Director : Armando de Boer
✓ Writers : Gerben Hetebrij, Trui van de Brug, Martin Ruttenberg
✓ Companies : Tom de Mol Productions, Source Investments, Van Beers Films, Videoland, RTL Entertainment, KPN
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Wilbert Gieske, Piet van der Pas, Beryl van Praag, Frans de Wit, Yenthe Bos, Job Bovelander, Soy Kroon, Marijn De Valck, Wim Schluter, Anouk de Pater

Synopsis of St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018)

Throughout the country there is only one child who never puts her shoe: Floor. If she wants something, she just asks her rich father, the baron. Until Floor wants a pool full of chocolate items one day.

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Well, St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018) itselft directed by Armando de Boer and Starring by Wilbert Gieske, Piet van der Pas, Beryl van Praag, Frans de Wit, Yenthe Bos, Job Bovelander, Soy Kroon, Marijn De Valck, Wim Schluter, Anouk de Pater which made St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky (2018)

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