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Toni Erdmann (2016)

Movies Detail of Toni Erdmann (2016)

✓ Title : Toni Erdmann
✓ Release Date : July 14th, 2016
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 162 minutes
✓ Director : Maren Ade
✓ Writer : Maren Ade
✓ Companies : ARTE, Komplizen Film, Coop99 Filmproduktion, KNM, MonkeyBoy, HiFilm, Südwestrundfunk, WDR, Missing Link Films
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany
✓ Cast : Thomas Loibl, Victoria Cociaș, Peter Simonischek, Michael Wittenborn, Trystan Pütter, Ingrid Bisu, Sandra Hüller, Hadewych Minis, Alexandru Papadopol, Lucy Russell

Synopsis of Toni Erdmann (2016)

Without warning a father comes to visit his daughter abroad. He believes that she lost her humor and therefore surprises her with a rampage of jokes.

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Well, Toni Erdmann (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Toni Erdmann (2016) itselft directed by Maren Ade and Starring by Thomas Loibl, Victoria Cociaș, Peter Simonischek, Michael Wittenborn, Trystan Pütter, Ingrid Bisu, Sandra Hüller, Hadewych Minis, Alexandru Papadopol, Lucy Russell which made Toni Erdmann (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Toni Erdmann (2016)

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