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Behind the Walls (2008)

Movies Detail of Behind the Walls (2008)

✓ Title : Behind the Walls
✓ Original Title : Les Hauts Murs
✓ Release Date : April 30th, 2008
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Christian Faure
✓ Companies : Septembre Productions, CinéCinéma
✓ Cast : Julien Bouanich, Carole Bouquet, Anthony Decadi, Catherine Jacob, Guillaume Gouix, Simon Perret, Michel Jonasz, Finnegan Oldfield, Jonathan Reyes, Émile Berling

Synopsis of Behind the Walls (2008)

A young runaway rejects society's condemnation and dares to fulfill his dreams. France, 1930s. 14-year-old orphan Yves Tréguier sees the world through the bars of "educational homes" where he is raised in conditions worthy of a penal colony, and dreams of a dramatic escape across the ocean to New York.

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Well, Behind the Walls (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Behind the Walls (2008) itselft directed by Christian Faure and Starring by Julien Bouanich, Carole Bouquet, Anthony Decadi, Catherine Jacob, Guillaume Gouix, Simon Perret, Michel Jonasz, Finnegan Oldfield, Jonathan Reyes, Émile Berling which made Behind the Walls (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Behind the Walls (2008)

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