Movies Detail of Shark in a Bottle (2000)
✓ Title : Shark in a Bottle
✓ Release Date : June 12th, 2000
✓ Genres : Action, Crime, Drama
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Cast : Ben Gazzara, Danny Nucci, Hiep Thi Le, Tom Lister Jr.
✓ Release Date : June 12th, 2000
✓ Genres : Action, Crime, Drama
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Cast : Ben Gazzara, Danny Nucci, Hiep Thi Le, Tom Lister Jr.
Synopsis of Shark in a Bottle (2000)
Guy Normal (probably not his real name) is clumsy, has amnesia, and has fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous man who arranges killings for hire. The Arranger trains Guy to be a killer (and there's evidence that Guy perpetrated a mass murder in an Arizona post office), then sends him to do various jobs. Although Guy bumbles, the jobs get done. But Guy rebels against this life, tries to reconstruct his past, and falls in love with the Arranger's mistress (who also has no place else to go). When Guy becomes expendable, his days seem numbered. Can Guy outsmart the mastermind and the highly skilled assassins sent to kill him?
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Well, Shark in a Bottle (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Shark in a Bottle (2000) itselft directed by and Starring by Ben Gazzara, Danny Nucci, Hiep Thi Le, Tom Lister Jr. which made Shark in a Bottle (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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