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In Between (2016)

Movies Detail of In Between (2016)

✓ Title : In Between
✓ Original Title : بر بحر
✓ Release Date : November 25th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Directors : Maysaloun Hamoud, Orna Lipkind, Rozeen Bisharat, Shay Rylski
✓ Writers : Yuval Aharoni, Yuval Aharoni, Maysaloun Hamoud
✓ Companies : En Compagnie des Lamas, Deux Beaux Garçons Films
✓ Countries : France, Israel
✓ Cast : Tamer Nafar, Ahlam Canaan, Mahmoud Shalaby, Mouna Hawa, Sana Jammalieh, Firas Nassar, Shaden Kanboura, Henry Andrawes, Riyad Sliman, Aiman Daw

Synopsis of In Between (2016)

The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the price they must pay for a lifestyle that seems obvious to many: the freedom to work, party, fuck, and choose.

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Well, In Between (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The In Between (2016) itselft directed by Maysaloun Hamoud, Orna Lipkind, Rozeen Bisharat, Shay Rylski and Starring by Tamer Nafar, Ahlam Canaan, Mahmoud Shalaby, Mouna Hawa, Sana Jammalieh, Firas Nassar, Shaden Kanboura, Henry Andrawes, Riyad Sliman, Aiman Daw which made In Between (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

In Between (2016)

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