Movies Detail of Queen of the Lake (1998)
✓ Title : Queen of the Lake
✓ Original Title : Jezerní královna
✓ Release Date : January 26th, 1998
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Family
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Václav Vorlíček
✓ Writer : Miloš Macourek
✓ Company : EuroVideo Medien GmbH
✓ Countries : Germany, Czech Republic
✓ Cast : Jaroslava Obermaierová, Miroslav Táborský, Max Urlacher, Jan Hrušínský, Jan Niklas, Jitka Schneiderová, Sunnyi Melles, Jiřina Bohdalová, Rudolf Hrušínský, Ivana Chýlková
✓ Original Title : Jezerní královna
✓ Release Date : January 26th, 1998
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Family
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Václav Vorlíček
✓ Writer : Miloš Macourek
✓ Company : EuroVideo Medien GmbH
✓ Countries : Germany, Czech Republic
✓ Cast : Jaroslava Obermaierová, Miroslav Táborský, Max Urlacher, Jan Hrušínský, Jan Niklas, Jitka Schneiderová, Sunnyi Melles, Jiřina Bohdalová, Rudolf Hrušínský, Ivana Chýlková
Synopsis of Queen of the Lake (1998)
Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an arrow in her shoulder. She is dumb and can't explain her origin. He falls immediately for her. The girl quickly recovers, but disappears mysteriously.
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Well, Queen of the Lake (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Queen of the Lake (1998) itselft directed by Václav Vorlíček and Starring by Jaroslava Obermaierová, Miroslav Táborský, Max Urlacher, Jan Hrušínský, Jan Niklas, Jitka Schneiderová, Sunnyi Melles, Jiřina Bohdalová, Rudolf Hrušínský, Ivana Chýlková which made Queen of the Lake (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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