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H.O.T.S. (1979)

Movies Detail of H.O.T.S. (1979)

✓ Title : H.O.T.S.
✓ Release Date : May 1st, 1979
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Gerald Seth Sindell
✓ Writers : Cheri Caffaro, W. Terry Davis, Joan Buchanan
✓ Company : The Great American Dream Machine Movie Company
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Angela Aames, Pamela Jean Bryant, Kimberly Cameron, Lisa London, Marjorie Andrade, Susan Kiger, Karen Smith, Lindsay Bloom, Cece Bullard, Mary Steelsmith

Synopsis of H.O.T.S. (1979)

Four girls spurned by the popular Sorority on campus decide to start their own and steal all the men on campus away from the house that rejected them.

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Well, H.O.T.S. (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The H.O.T.S. (1979) itselft directed by Gerald Seth Sindell and Starring by Angela Aames, Pamela Jean Bryant, Kimberly Cameron, Lisa London, Marjorie Andrade, Susan Kiger, Karen Smith, Lindsay Bloom, Cece Bullard, Mary Steelsmith which made H.O.T.S. (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

H.O.T.S. (1979)

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H.O.T.S. Movie I - A subgenre of fantasy that can refer to literary, artistic, and filmic works that combine fantasy with elements of horror. The term can be used broadly to refer to fantastical works that have a dark, gloomy atmosphere or a sense of horror and dread and a dark, often brooding, tone.

H.O.T.S. Latino - Literature that is rooted in, inspired by, or that in some way draws from the tropes, themes and symbolism of myth, folklore, and fairy tales. The term is widely credited to Charles de Lint and Terri Windling. Mythic fiction overlaps with urban fantasy and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but mythic fiction also includes contemporary works in non-urban settings. Mythic fiction refers to works of contemporary literature that often cross the divide between literary and fantasy fiction.

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