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The Bishop's Bedroom (1977)

Movies Detail of The Bishop's Bedroom (1977)

✓ Title : The Bishop's Bedroom
✓ Original Title : La stanza del vescovo
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1977
✓ Genres : Crime, Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Dino Risi
✓ Writers : Leonardo Benvenuti, Piero Chiara
✓ Companies : S.N. Prodis, Merope, Carlton Film Export
✓ Countries : France, Italy
✓ Cast : Ornella Muti, Karina Verlier, Patrick Dewaere, Piero Mazzarella, Gabriella Giacobbe, Franco Sangermano, Katia Tchenko, Ugo Tognazzi, Lia Tanzi, Marcello Turilli

Synopsis of The Bishop's Bedroom (1977)

Mario, a rich and eccentric war hero befriends Marco, a loner with a sailboat, and takes him home to meet his estranged wife Cleofe and sexually repressed sister in law Matilde. Mario confesses his love for Matilde and so ensues a love triangle.

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Well, The Bishop's Bedroom (1977) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Bishop's Bedroom (1977) itselft directed by Dino Risi and Starring by Ornella Muti, Karina Verlier, Patrick Dewaere, Piero Mazzarella, Gabriella Giacobbe, Franco Sangermano, Katia Tchenko, Ugo Tognazzi, Lia Tanzi, Marcello Turilli which made The Bishop's Bedroom (1977) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Bishop's Bedroom (1977)

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