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Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019)

Movies Detail of Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019)

✓ Title : Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing
✓ Release Date : August 5th, 2019
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Director : Giorgio Serafini
✓ Writer : Ryan Lieske
✓ Cast : Jordan Elsass, Jennifer Griffin, Jonathan Silverman, Charisma Carpenter, J.P. Sacks, Elle LaMont, Eliza Jarrett, Johnny Sinclair, Tom Arnold

Synopsis of Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019)

It’ll take a miracle to save the Killian family’s ranch…but miracles come in all shapes and sizes. Just as a greedy developer plans to take over their ranch, tween girl Sydney Killian and a neighbor boy find a mysterious pony with an injured wing. As they secretly heal the creature, they find the pony’s magical powers could change their fortunes forever.

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Well, Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019) itselft directed by Giorgio Serafini and Starring by Jordan Elsass, Jennifer Griffin, Jonathan Silverman, Charisma Carpenter, J.P. Sacks, Elle LaMont, Eliza Jarrett, Johnny Sinclair, Tom Arnold which made Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing (2019)

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