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And the Ship Sails On (1983)

Movies Detail of And the Ship Sails On (1983)

✓ Title : And the Ship Sails On
✓ Original Title : E la nave va
✓ Release Date : October 6th, 1983
✓ Genres : Music, Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 128 minutes
✓ Directors : Federico Fellini, Norma Giacchero
✓ Writers : Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra
✓ Companies : Societa Investimenti Milanese (S.I.M.), Vides Produzione, Gaumont, RAI 1
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Barbara Jefford, Peter Cellier, Elisa Mainardi, Maurice Barrier, Freddie Jones, Janet Suzman, Pina Bausch, Victor Poletti, Fred Williams, Norma West

Synopsis of And the Ship Sails On (1983)

In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.

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Well, And the Ship Sails On (1983) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The And the Ship Sails On (1983) itselft directed by Federico Fellini, Norma Giacchero and Starring by Barbara Jefford, Peter Cellier, Elisa Mainardi, Maurice Barrier, Freddie Jones, Janet Suzman, Pina Bausch, Victor Poletti, Fred Williams, Norma West which made And the Ship Sails On (1983) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

And the Ship Sails On (1983)

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