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RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013)

Movies Detail of RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013)

✓ Title : RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013
✓ Release Date : May 30th, 2013
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Cast : Bill Corbett, Adam Savage, Paul F. Tompkins, Kevin Murphy, Kristen Schaal, Michael J. Nelson, Kevin McDonald, Janet Varney, Cole Stratton

Synopsis of RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013)

Watch Mike, Bill, Kevin, and an all-star crew of hilarious guest riffers take on seven classic less-than-educational shorts, filmed LIVE onstage at San Francisco’s Castro Theatre in January of this year, in all its gritty, low-light, shakey-cam glory! Show includes: Welcome Back Norman Perc! Pop! Sprinkle! - with Cole Stratton (Pop My Culture Podcast) and Janet Varney (The Legend of Korra) Choking: To Save a Life - with Kevin McDonald (The Kids in the Hall) Cooking Terms More Dangerous Than Dynamite - with Adam Savage (Mythbusters) If Mirrors Could Speak - with Kristen Schaal (30 Rock, Bob’s Burgers, Flight of the Conchords) At Your Fingertips: Cylinders - with Paul F. Tompkins (Best Week Ever, Mr. Show, Tangled)

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Well, RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013) itselft directed by and Starring by Bill Corbett, Adam Savage, Paul F. Tompkins, Kevin Murphy, Kristen Schaal, Michael J. Nelson, Kevin McDonald, Janet Varney, Cole Stratton which made RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013 (2013)

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