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Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016)

Movies Detail of Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016)

✓ Title : Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie
✓ Release Date : May 7th, 2016
✓ Runtime : 67 minutes
✓ Director : Stewart Wade
✓ Cast : Nicholas Downs, Jacob Aguirre, Eric Colton, Hunter Doohan, Ian Harvie, Max Emerson, Tommy Dickie, Richard Bojorquez, Drew Droege, Mark Cirillo

Synopsis of Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016)

This film, based on the web series, features nine vignettes in the lives of LGBT people as they date and hook up in Los Angeles.

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Well, Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016) itselft directed by Stewart Wade and Starring by Nicholas Downs, Jacob Aguirre, Eric Colton, Hunter Doohan, Ian Harvie, Max Emerson, Tommy Dickie, Richard Bojorquez, Drew Droege, Mark Cirillo which made Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Coffee House Chronicles: The Movie (2016)

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