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Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982)

Movies Detail of Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982)

✓ Title : Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα
✓ Release Date : July 17th, 1982
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Omiros Efstratiadis
✓ Writer : Giannis Sklavos
✓ Company : Spentzos Films
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Teta Douzou, Teta Konstanta, Giannis Gionakis, Stamatis Gardelis, Yorgos Rigas, Marina Roma, Nikos Rizos, Steve Douzos, Mimis Fotopoulos, Vina Asiki

Synopsis of Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982)

A major hit in the Greek cinemas at the time, this comedy by Omiros Efstratiadis is about a bunch of teenagers who make things difficult for their teachers.

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Well, Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982) itselft directed by Omiros Efstratiadis and Starring by Teta Douzou, Teta Konstanta, Giannis Gionakis, Stamatis Gardelis, Yorgos Rigas, Marina Roma, Nikos Rizos, Steve Douzos, Mimis Fotopoulos, Vina Asiki which made Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ρόδα Τσάντα Και Κοπάνα (1982)

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