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Trago Comigo (2016)

Movies Detail of Trago Comigo (2016)

✓ Title : Trago Comigo
✓ Release Date : June 16th, 2016
✓ Genres : Documentary, Drama
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Director : Tata Amaral
✓ Writers : Tata Amaral, Thiago Dottori, Thiago Dottori, Matias Mariani, Willem Dias
✓ Company : Primo Filmes
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Georgina Castro, Paula Pretta, Júlio Machado, Selma Egrei, Pedro Lemos, Gustavo Brandão, Carlos Alberto Riccelli, Emílio Di Biasi, Felipe Rocha, Maria Helena Chira

Synopsis of Trago Comigo (2016)

Telmo is a retired theater director that realizes he doesn't remember the time he spent kept in jail during the military dictatorship in Brazil. He decides to stage a play and, with threads of memory, he improvises the lines with his young cast. Telmo dives into his own history and ends up revealing for himself what, being so painful, he'd rather forget.

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Well, Trago Comigo (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Trago Comigo (2016) itselft directed by Tata Amaral and Starring by Georgina Castro, Paula Pretta, Júlio Machado, Selma Egrei, Pedro Lemos, Gustavo Brandão, Carlos Alberto Riccelli, Emílio Di Biasi, Felipe Rocha, Maria Helena Chira which made Trago Comigo (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Trago Comigo (2016)

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