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Christmas on the Menu (2020)

Movies Detail of Christmas on the Menu (2020)

✓ Title : Christmas on the Menu
✓ Release Date : December 18th, 2020
✓ Genres : Romance, TV Movie
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Jake Helgren
✓ Writer : Jake Helgren
✓ Company : The Ninth House
✓ Cast : Katrina Norman, Michael Steger, Cynthia Gibb, Shanica Knowles, Lana McKissack, Clayton James, Stefanie Black, Kim Shaw, Jesse Kove

Synopsis of Christmas on the Menu (2020)

Josie Jennings a celebrated, romantic, 35-year old chef in the city heads home to spend the holidays at the quaint, magical bed and breakfast where she grew up, and where her mother Shannon has just opened a new restaurant. Famous food critic Tanner Rhodes, who has given Josie harsh reviews in the past, comes to town to review the new restaurant and Josie’s Christmas Cuisine. As the holidays unfold, Josie and Tanner get to know each other better, and a romance soon begins to blossom but will Tanner find a way to right his wrongs, write a rave review for the bistro’s delicious cuisine, and win Josie’s heart by Christmas Eve?

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Well, Christmas on the Menu (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Christmas on the Menu (2020) itselft directed by Jake Helgren and Starring by Katrina Norman, Michael Steger, Cynthia Gibb, Shanica Knowles, Lana McKissack, Clayton James, Stefanie Black, Kim Shaw, Jesse Kove which made Christmas on the Menu (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Christmas on the Menu (2020)

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