Movies Detail of The Collector (1997)
✓ Title : The Collector
✓ Original Title : Neitoperho
✓ Release Date : October 31st, 1997
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Auli Mantila
✓ Writer : Auli Mantila
✓ Company : GNUfilms Oy
✓ Country : Finland
✓ Cast : Jari Hietanen, Tanjalotta Räikkä, Eino Airo, Henriikka Salo, Robin Svartström, Marja Packalén, Rea Mauranen, Elina Hurme, Leea Klemola, Pekka Kyrö
✓ Original Title : Neitoperho
✓ Release Date : October 31st, 1997
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Auli Mantila
✓ Writer : Auli Mantila
✓ Company : GNUfilms Oy
✓ Country : Finland
✓ Cast : Jari Hietanen, Tanjalotta Räikkä, Eino Airo, Henriikka Salo, Robin Svartström, Marja Packalén, Rea Mauranen, Elina Hurme, Leea Klemola, Pekka Kyrö
Synopsis of The Collector (1997)
Eevi's life isn't going the way she would want it to, so she runs away, leaving destruction in her wake. No one will ever say no to her again.
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Well, The Collector (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Collector (1997) itselft directed by Auli Mantila and Starring by Jari Hietanen, Tanjalotta Räikkä, Eino Airo, Henriikka Salo, Robin Svartström, Marja Packalén, Rea Mauranen, Elina Hurme, Leea Klemola, Pekka Kyrö which made The Collector (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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