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La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020)

Movies Detail of La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020)

✓ Title : La Francisca, a Chilean Youth
✓ Original Title : La Francisca, una juventud chilena
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Rodrigo Litorriaga
✓ Writer : Rodrigo Litorriaga
✓ Company : Brussels & Popiul
✓ Countries : Belgium, Chile
✓ Cast : Carolina Alvarado, Javiera Gallardo, Varinia Canto Vila, Raúl Rocco, Lester Ransom, Francisco Ossa, Nicolás de Terán, Pamela Pollak, Roberto Flores, Aatos Flores

Synopsis of La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020)

Francisca is a 20-year-old young girl who lives in Tocopilla, a small town in the North of Chile, found between the Atacama desert and the Pacific Ocean. She dreams to leave but she has an 8-year-old brother, Diego, which is imprisoned in a deep mutism. When Fernando, the Diego new’s teacher, offers to apply some new pedagogical initiatives aimed at helping him, Francisca decides to take the chance and agrees, without imagining she bogs in an irreversible issue.

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Well, La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020) itselft directed by Rodrigo Litorriaga and Starring by Carolina Alvarado, Javiera Gallardo, Varinia Canto Vila, Raúl Rocco, Lester Ransom, Francisco Ossa, Nicolás de Terán, Pamela Pollak, Roberto Flores, Aatos Flores which made La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La Francisca, a Chilean Youth (2020)

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