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It's a Free World... (2007)

Movies Detail of It's a Free World... (2007)

✓ Title : It's a Free World...
✓ Release Date : September 28th, 2007
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Ken Loach
✓ Writer : Paul Laverty
✓ Companies : Tornasol Films, Filmcoopi Zürich, BIM Distribuzione, EMC Produktion, Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Pathé Distribution, SPI International, Sixteen Films, Film4 Productions
✓ Countries : Poland, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Spain
✓ Cast : Maggie Russell, Joe Siffleet, Juliet Ellis, Colin Caughlin, Lesław Żurek, Kierston Wareing, Raymond Mearns, Davoud Rastgou, Frank Gilhooley, David Doyle

Synopsis of It's a Free World... (2007)

Angie is a working class woman. After being fired, she decides to set up a recruitment agency of her own, running it from her kitchen with her friend, Rose. Taking advantage of the desperation of immigrants, Angie builds a successful business extremely quickly.

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Well, It's a Free World... (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The It's a Free World... (2007) itselft directed by Ken Loach and Starring by Maggie Russell, Joe Siffleet, Juliet Ellis, Colin Caughlin, Lesław Żurek, Kierston Wareing, Raymond Mearns, Davoud Rastgou, Frank Gilhooley, David Doyle which made It's a Free World... (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

It's a Free World... (2007)

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