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The Wind and the Water (2008)

Movies Detail of The Wind and the Water (2008)

✓ Title : The Wind and the Water
✓ Original Title : Burwa dii ebo
✓ Release Date : January 22nd, 2008
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Vero Bollow
✓ Writer : Vero Bollow
✓ Country : Panama
✓ Cast : Benjamín Avila, Adrian Scott, Yirelis Adjani Smith, Ologwagdi, Arosemena Algis

Synopsis of The Wind and the Water (2008)

From out of the Panamanian countryside, an indigenous teen travels to the capital city to find work and build a future for himself. While the young man tries to adjust to the fast pace of the city, he develops a crush on a girl from a wealthy family. At first, the girl seems unattainable, but a change of scenery also changes the nature of their relationship.

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Well, The Wind and the Water (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Wind and the Water (2008) itselft directed by Vero Bollow and Starring by Benjamín Avila, Adrian Scott, Yirelis Adjani Smith, Ologwagdi, Arosemena Algis which made The Wind and the Water (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Wind and the Water (2008)

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