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Autopsy (2008)

Movies Detail of Autopsy (2008)

✓ Title : Autopsy
✓ Release Date : August 24th, 2008
✓ Genres : Horror, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Directors : Adam Gierasch, Renetta G. Amador, Bruce Resnik, Ben LeDoux
✓ Writers : Jace Anderson, Adam Gierasch, E.L. Katz
✓ Companies : Project 8 Films, Lion Share Productions, FlipZide, Voodoo Production Services, Parallel Media, A-Mark Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Ashley Schneider, Ross McCall, Gregg Brazzel, Arcadiy Golubovich, Ross Kohn, Michael Bowen, Robert Patrick, Jessica Lowndes, Jenette Goldstein, Robert LaSardo

Synopsis of Autopsy (2008)

Emily Johnson, her boyfriend Bobby and their friends Clare and Jude are recent college grads driving cross-country, taking a last vacation together before they face the "real" world. An accident leaves them hurt and stranded on a lonely Louisiana road. When the ambulance arrives, it whisks them to Mercy Hospital.

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Well, Autopsy (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Autopsy (2008) itselft directed by Adam Gierasch, Renetta G. Amador, Bruce Resnik, Ben LeDoux and Starring by Ashley Schneider, Ross McCall, Gregg Brazzel, Arcadiy Golubovich, Ross Kohn, Michael Bowen, Robert Patrick, Jessica Lowndes, Jenette Goldstein, Robert LaSardo which made Autopsy (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Autopsy (2008)

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