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Der Gläserne Blick (2003)

Movies Detail of Der Gläserne Blick (2003)

✓ Title : Der Gläserne Blick
✓ Release Date : July 6th, 2003
✓ Genres : Thriller, Romance
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Markus Heltschl
✓ Writer : Markus Heltschl
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany
✓ Cast : João Pedro Bénard, Francisco Nascimento, Sylvie Testud, Rita Blanco, Miguel Guilherme, Cucha Carvalheiro, António Pedro Cerdeira, Ana Bustorff, Klaus Pohl

Synopsis of Der Gläserne Blick (2003)

A policeman lunching with his daughter is present when a dead body washes up on shore. He investigates, leading him down a twisted and muddled path of nefarious connections reflecting, somewhat, his own life.

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Well, Der Gläserne Blick (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Der Gläserne Blick (2003) itselft directed by Markus Heltschl and Starring by João Pedro Bénard, Francisco Nascimento, Sylvie Testud, Rita Blanco, Miguel Guilherme, Cucha Carvalheiro, António Pedro Cerdeira, Ana Bustorff, Klaus Pohl which made Der Gläserne Blick (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Der Gläserne Blick (2003)

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