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Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011)

Movies Detail of Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011)

✓ Title : Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden
✓ Release Date : June 28th, 2011
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Christoph Stark
✓ Writer : Ursula Mauder
✓ Companies : Eclypse Filmpartner, Iris Productions, Film-Line Productions GmbH, ARD/Degeto Film, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Mediafonds2 Film- und Fernsehproduktion, Iris Group, Zen Productions
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Peri Baumeister, Katharina Straßer, Petra Morzé, Jules Werner, Rafael Stachowiak, Susi Stach, Lars Eidinger, Rainer Bock

Synopsis of Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011)

The Austrian expressionist poet Georg Trakl was in love with her sister. And she loved him back. Their relationship became sexual and caused quite a stir in the local society. But when his sister asked him to flee with her to Australia where no one knew them and they could live as husband and wife, he refuse for he could not live without the beauty of the German language. Torn between his love for words and his love for Grete, Georg turned to drugs and entered a downward spiral.

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Well, Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011) itselft directed by Christoph Stark and Starring by Peri Baumeister, Katharina Straßer, Petra Morzé, Jules Werner, Rafael Stachowiak, Susi Stach, Lars Eidinger, Rainer Bock which made Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden (2011)

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