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Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970)

Movies Detail of Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970)

✓ Title : Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Cast : LA Winters, Jeff Rose, Emily Jordan, Jacob Velcoff, Tim McIntosh, Ben Johnson III, Lexi Johnson

Synopsis of Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970)

Does the Great Canoe Fish actually exist? Or is he a two hundred year old canoe-size legend? The Sugar Creek Gang packs their fishing gear and sleeping bags for a canoe trip to find out. But they're not alone. Dragonfly spills the beans to the local town bullies who follow the gang in hopes of beating them to the catch. A gift from Old Man Paddler gives the gang an advantage, but the bullies keep their presence a secret long enough to nearly shatter the gang's hopes. Join the gang on their journey to the pregnant pig rock, help them catch waterfall worms, and find out if the Great Canoe Fish exists! Look for the other films in the five part Sugar Creek Gang series to complete your collection: Swamp Robber, Revival Villains, Secret Hideout, and Teacher Trouble!

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Well, Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970) itselft directed by and Starring by LA Winters, Jeff Rose, Emily Jordan, Jacob Velcoff, Tim McIntosh, Ben Johnson III, Lexi Johnson which made Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sugar Creek Gang: Great Canoe Fish (1970)

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