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Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003)

Movies Detail of Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003)

✓ Title : Where Is Madame Catherine?
✓ Original Title : Les mains vides
✓ Release Date : July 5th, 2003
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 130 minutes
✓ Director : Marc Recha
✓ Writers : Marc Recha, Nadine Lamari, Mireia Vidal
✓ Companies : JBA Production, FMB2, ARTE France Cinéma, Eddie Saeta
✓ Countries : Spain, France
✓ Cast : Dominique Marcas, Jérémie Lippmann, Antoine Pereniguez, Eulalia Ramón, Mireia Ros, Sébastien Viala, Olivier Gourmet, Eduardo Noriega

Synopsis of Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003)

The life in a Catalan (Southern France) village near the border may be quite boring. A young man who is escaping from his homeland is seeking for something and may find it in this weird place. You see the relationship between the people in the village, their dreams, their past and their perspectives in life. The foreigner is hosted there and is messed in the deep whereabouts of these people and tries somehow to fit in.

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Well, Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003) itselft directed by Marc Recha and Starring by Dominique Marcas, Jérémie Lippmann, Antoine Pereniguez, Eulalia Ramón, Mireia Ros, Sébastien Viala, Olivier Gourmet, Eduardo Noriega which made Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Where Is Madame Catherine? (2003)

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