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Paper Heart (1982)

Movies Detail of Paper Heart (1982)

✓ Title : Paper Heart
✓ Original Title : Corazón de papel
✓ Release Date : September 22nd, 1982
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Directors : Roberto Bodegas, Kuki López Rodero
✓ Writers : Jaime de Armiñán, Roberto Bodegas, Manuel Albignoni
✓ Companies : Manuel Salvador S.A., Manuel Salvador, Blau Films S.A., Blau Films
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Antonio Ferrandis, Patxi Andión, Silvia Tortosa, Eduardo Calvo, Francisco Vidal, Ana Obregón, Carmen Platero, Isabel Luque, Valentín Paredes, José Umbral

Synopsis of Paper Heart (1982)

Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.

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Well, Paper Heart (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Paper Heart (1982) itselft directed by Roberto Bodegas, Kuki López Rodero and Starring by Antonio Ferrandis, Patxi Andión, Silvia Tortosa, Eduardo Calvo, Francisco Vidal, Ana Obregón, Carmen Platero, Isabel Luque, Valentín Paredes, José Umbral which made Paper Heart (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Paper Heart (1982)

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