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Sunny Spells (2008)

Movies Detail of Sunny Spells (2008)

✓ Title : Sunny Spells
✓ Original Title : Le bruit des gens autour
✓ Release Date : July 9th, 2008
✓ Genre : Romance
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Diastème
✓ Writers : Christophe Honoré, Diastème
✓ Cast : Léa Drucker, Linh Đan Phạm, Olivier Py, Frederic Audrau, Bruno Todeschini, Emma de Caunes

Synopsis of Sunny Spells (2008)

This is not a chorus film. Well maybe just a little… Avignon Festival - Summer. First, there’s Maud and Alex, who have just broken up but need to pretend to be two love birds on stage. Then there’s the playwright of their play, Richard, who could start to fall in love with Léna, but is still grieving his lost wife. Léna is also grieving her ex but can’t remember why she dumped him. So she sings her blues, on stage, with Louise, who might have a little crush on her sound engineer. Then there’s the famous dancer Kate who sleeps with her assistant Marko, who’s always prefered men. Oh, did we tell you that Kate the dancer and Maud the actress are friends and would love to invite everyone to a party?

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Well, Sunny Spells (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sunny Spells (2008) itselft directed by Diastème and Starring by Léa Drucker, Linh Đan Phạm, Olivier Py, Frederic Audrau, Bruno Todeschini, Emma de Caunes which made Sunny Spells (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sunny Spells (2008)

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