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Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973)

Movies Detail of Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973)

✓ Title : Some Too Quiet Gentlemen
✓ Original Title : Quelques messieurs trop tranquilles
✓ Release Date : January 25th, 1973
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Georges Lautner
✓ Writers : Georges Lautner, Jean-Marie Poiré, A.D.G.
✓ Company : Gaumont International
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Renée Saint-Cyr, Jean Lefebvre, Bruno Pradal, Michel Galabru, Dani, Miou-Miou, Paul Préboist, André Pousse, Charles Southwood, Henri Guybet

Synopsis of Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973)

The sleepy little village of Loubressac is well on its way to becoming a ghost town. To save the town, the local citizenry hatch a plan to attract tourists. To their horror, the plan misfires when a group of hippies are the first to move in. The hippies' free and unconventional ways quickly upset the staid lives of the locals. Then one of the locals is found murdered, and suspicion inevitably falls on the newcomers. Eventually, the locals and the hippies join forces to solve the mystery, and in the course of their adventures learn to respect each others' ways.

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Well, Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973) itselft directed by Georges Lautner and Starring by Renée Saint-Cyr, Jean Lefebvre, Bruno Pradal, Michel Galabru, Dani, Miou-Miou, Paul Préboist, André Pousse, Charles Southwood, Henri Guybet which made Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Some Too Quiet Gentlemen (1973)

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