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Oblivion Verses (2018)

Movies Detail of Oblivion Verses (2018)

✓ Title : Oblivion Verses
✓ Original Title : Los versos del olvido
✓ Release Date : August 1st, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Directors : Alireza Khatami, Juan Rosas, María José Concha, Miguel Alarmo, Katherine Medel
✓ Writers : René Ballesteros, Alireza Khatami, Dominique Welinski
✓ Companies : Quijote Films, Lemming Film, Endorphine Production, House on Fire
✓ Countries : Chile, France, Germany, Netherlands
✓ Cast : Luis Dubó, Lucas Bolvarán, Manuel Morón, Gonzalo Robles, Willy Semler, Julio Jung, Amparo Noguera, Tomás del Estal, Juan Margallo, Itziar Aizpuru

Synopsis of Oblivion Verses (2018)

When the elderly caretaker of a remote morgue discovers the body of a young woman killed during a protest, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial before the militia returns.

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Well, Oblivion Verses (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Oblivion Verses (2018) itselft directed by Alireza Khatami, Juan Rosas, María José Concha, Miguel Alarmo, Katherine Medel and Starring by Luis Dubó, Lucas Bolvarán, Manuel Morón, Gonzalo Robles, Willy Semler, Julio Jung, Amparo Noguera, Tomás del Estal, Juan Margallo, Itziar Aizpuru which made Oblivion Verses (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Oblivion Verses (2018)

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