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The Nutcrackers (2010)

Movies Detail of The Nutcrackers (2010)

✓ Title : The Nutcrackers
✓ Original Title : La tropa de trapo en el país donde siempre brilla el sol
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2010
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Alex Colls
✓ Writer : Lola Beccaria
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Chelo Diaz, Andres Bellas, Montse Davila, Sofia Ferro, Clara Gagino, Nora Abad, Nacho Castaño, Raul Dans, Xermana Carballido, Anton Etxeita

Synopsis of The Nutcrackers (2010)

Mumu discovers a flock of sheep grazing in the park where he plays with his friends Milo, Rita, Talalo, Alfred and Olga, and can´t avoid compare her snowy appearance to them, the troops of cloth, fabrics made ​​of very different prints, lots of spots of all colors playing in the field and in the puddles. And feel some shame and envy of his friends of the sheep shiny. And when he discovers that these sheep are actually spotless stars that will be part of a great show, Mumu is so fascinated that he have to change what is necessary for that to become also a glamorous star. She was a very special cow can not keep wasting time with a group of friends wrong.

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Well, The Nutcrackers (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Nutcrackers (2010) itselft directed by Alex Colls and Starring by Chelo Diaz, Andres Bellas, Montse Davila, Sofia Ferro, Clara Gagino, Nora Abad, Nacho Castaño, Raul Dans, Xermana Carballido, Anton Etxeita which made The Nutcrackers (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Nutcrackers (2010)

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