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Oxalá (1981)

Movies Detail of Oxalá (1981)

✓ Title : Oxalá
✓ Release Date : May 8th, 1981
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 131 minutes
✓ Directors : António-Pedro Vasconcelos, Leandro Ferreira, João Pedro Bénard, Albano Silva Pereira
✓ Writer : António-Pedro Vasconcelos
✓ Companies : V.O. Filmes, Filmes Castello Lopes, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Nacional Filmes, Scope 4, Bom-Bokas, Sociedade Central Cervejas e Bebidas, G.E.R. (Grupo de Estudos e Realizações), Instituto Português de Cinema (IPC)
✓ Countries : Portugal, France
✓ Cast : Teresa Madruga, Karen Blanguernon, Lia Gama, Manuel Baeta Neves, Ruy Furtado, Laura Soveral, Judith Magre, Manuel Sande e Castro, Adelaide João, Marta Reynolds

Synopsis of Oxalá (1981)

A man exiled in Paris makes various trips to Portugal after the Carnation Revolution. Each trip is represented by a woman.

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Well, Oxalá (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Oxalá (1981) itselft directed by António-Pedro Vasconcelos, Leandro Ferreira, João Pedro Bénard, Albano Silva Pereira and Starring by Teresa Madruga, Karen Blanguernon, Lia Gama, Manuel Baeta Neves, Ruy Furtado, Laura Soveral, Judith Magre, Manuel Sande e Castro, Adelaide João, Marta Reynolds which made Oxalá (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Oxalá (1981)

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