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Razzia (2017)

Movies Detail of Razzia (2017)

✓ Title : Razzia
✓ Release Date : September 11th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 109 minutes
✓ Director : Nabil Ayouch
✓ Writers : Nabil Ayouch, Maryam Tarami
✓ Companies : Soread-2M, Unité de Production, Les Films du Noveau Monde, Artémis Productions, Ali'n Productions, France 3 Cinéma, VOO, BeTV, Shelter Prod, RTBF
✓ Countries : Morocco, Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Saadia Ladib, Abdelilah Rachid, Maryam Tarami, Nezha Tebbai, Amine Ennaji, Maha Boukhari, Abdellah Didane, Dounia Binebine, Arieh Worthalter, Younes Bouab

Synopsis of Razzia (2017)

Morocco, from the past to the present. Five people who are connected to each other – Abdallah, Salima, Joe, Hakim, and Inès – without realizing it. Different faces, different struggles, but one same breath. One city, Casablanca as a fragment of reality, as the myth of a film entirely shot in Hollywood studios, which reality has come back to claim.

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Well, Razzia (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Razzia (2017) itselft directed by Nabil Ayouch and Starring by Saadia Ladib, Abdelilah Rachid, Maryam Tarami, Nezha Tebbai, Amine Ennaji, Maha Boukhari, Abdellah Didane, Dounia Binebine, Arieh Worthalter, Younes Bouab which made Razzia (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Razzia (2017)

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