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Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976)

Movies Detail of Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976)

✓ Title : Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People?
✓ Original Title : Przepraszam, czy tu biją?
✓ Release Date : November 22nd, 1976
✓ Genres : Comedy, Action, Crime
✓ Director : Marek Piwowski
✓ Writer : Marek Piwowski
✓ Cast : Zdzisław Rychter, Jan Józef Szczepański, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jerzy Kulej, Jerzy Kulej, Jan Himilsbach

Synopsis of Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976)

The film is a story of a young man coerced into undercover work for the police, in return for their dropping of charges against him. He is to befriend a leader of a gang of juvenile delinquents who plans big robbery of a jewelry store. The scheme works and the gang is caught in the act except the gang leader.

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Well, Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976) itselft directed by Marek Piwowski and Starring by Zdzisław Rychter, Jan Józef Szczepański, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jerzy Kulej, Jerzy Kulej, Jan Himilsbach which made Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Excuse Me, Is It Here They Beat Up People? (1976)

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