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Step Up (2006)

Movies Detail of Step Up (2006)

✓ Title : Step Up
✓ Release Date : August 11th, 2006
✓ Genres : Music, Drama, Romance, Crime
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Directors : Anne Fletcher, Cristina Weigmann
✓ Writers : Duane Adler, Duane Adler, Melissa Rosenberg
✓ Companies : Eketahuna LLC, Touchstone Pictures, Summit Entertainment, Offspring Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Rachel Griffiths, Tim Lacatena, Josh Henderson, De'Shawn Washington, Alyson Stoner, Mario, Drew Sidora, Channing Tatum, Damaine Radcliff, Jenna Dewan

Synopsis of Step Up (2006)

Everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams, but some people only get one shot. Tyler Gage is a rebel from the wrong side of Baltimore's tracks and the only thing that stands between him and an unfulfilled life are his dreams of one day making it out of there. Nora is a privileged ballet dancer attending Baltimore's ultra-elite Maryland School of the Arts

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Well, Step Up (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Step Up (2006) itselft directed by Anne Fletcher, Cristina Weigmann and Starring by Rachel Griffiths, Tim Lacatena, Josh Henderson, De'Shawn Washington, Alyson Stoner, Mario, Drew Sidora, Channing Tatum, Damaine Radcliff, Jenna Dewan which made Step Up (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Step Up (2006)

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